August News from Kelly

Dear Friend,

As summer’s heat lingers, I hope you find a spot of time for reading or listening to a podcast. I just finished Motherland. Lucky for me, it qualifies as research. Altman’s writing is gorgeous. Her memoir offers an intimate view of what it’s like to be “married to mom”.

Recently, I had the honor and pleasure of discussing Mother Hunger with Emma of the award-winning System Speaks.  Emma’s podcast educates her audience about Dissociative Disorder. Her depth of awareness allowed for a lovely flow between us. I’m so pleased to share this with you. For extra wisdom, listen to Emma’s interview with Dr. Dan Siegel. In between the two episodes, in “Wall of Terror“, Emma shares her transformation after speaking with Dan and me.

Carol the Coach and I had an invigorating discussion about Mother Hunger on August 5th. Many of you are familiar with Carol’s radio show, her books, and her excellent work in the field of sex and love addiction. I’m grateful for her interest in this topic and the way she guided our discussion. When you get a moment, please listen here.

If you have thoughts or questions about these August topics, please share with me. I can address them next month when I write to you about “third degree Mother Hunger”.



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