Books by Kelly McDaniel

Mother Hunger
How Adult Daughters Can Understand and Heal from Lost Nurturance, Protection, and Guidance
The constant search for mother love can be a lifelong emotional burden, but healing begins with knowing and naming what we are missing. McDaniel helps women identify Mother Hunger®, which demystifies the search for love and provides the compass that each woman needs to end the struggle with achy, lonely emptiness, and come home to herself.
“Kelly McDaniel’s Mother Hunger is going to create a worldwide sigh of relief as daughters everywhere finally have words to describe the aching loss that haunts their lives and relationships. With compassionate understanding for the incredible challenges that all mothers face when trying to mother well, Mother Hunger provides a much-needed key to the hidden impacts that being under-mothered can create and points the way toward healing and wholeness.”
“I read Mother Hunger as if it was a sacred text — each word revealing and illuminating the deepest inner essence of me I knew was there but couldn’t name. Kelly McDaniel has translated the most palpable, potent, and impactful imprint of mother to daughter that has the power to heal us in real time while also providing healing to those who’ve come before us and arrive after. I honestly cannot remember a time I have resonated with anything as much as I do Mother Hunger. If you’re drawn to this book — trust it!”
“A brave, sensitive, and clinically intuitive book filled with wisdom and healing.”
FREE GIFT – Download Mother Hunger’s Surrogate Comfort chapter.
How to cite
Mother Hunger
Mother Hunger® is a registered trademark of Kelly McDaniel, and as such, one cannot be represented without the other. We invite you to use the term Mother Hunger® along with material from the book and this site both internally and publicly, within boundaries. You may use the content within your practices, community groups, conferences, and more. You must include the following attribution: Copyright Kelly McDaniel, Mother Hunger® and, All rights reserved.
You can also share and post Mother Hunger® references and materials on social media, within emails and newsletters, and on resource lists with the original link to this website, with the following attribution: Mother Hunger® @kellymcdanieltherapy and, All rights reserved.
No commercial use is permitted. Unapproved derivations of Mother Hunger® content can not be used to accrue money for yourself or your organization, ie., charging people or asking for donations in a session that includes Mother Hunger® material; or making and selling products based on Kelly McDaniel’s content. If you would like to discuss the possibility of partnering or training for you or your organization, please visit the “For Professionals” section of this site or contact us at
Ready to Heal
Breaking Free of Addictive Relationships
The much anticipated third edition of Ready to Heal is here!
This newly revised and expanded edition of Ready to Heal provides an opportunity for women to break free from painful addictive relationships. Kelly McDaniel provides the reader with the tools they will need to move along the path of living a life where intimacy is possible.
"Nobody understands and explains sex and love addiction in women like Kelly McDaniel. Ready to Heal integrates compelling examples with clinical brilliance, lighting a path to personal healing and healthy relationships. The chapter on “mother hunger” is an invaluable work in and of itself. Therapists like us as well as our clients will be utilizing this powerful resource for many, many years to come."
Making Advances
Making Advances: A Comprehensive Guide for Treating Female Sex and Love Addicts
Kelly worked with 9 experts to create Making Advances, the first book to offer clinicians practical, ground-breaking theory and tools in the treatment of women who struggle with love and sex addiction.