If you are feeling alone

As you face Mother Hunger, know you are not alone.

Others are here too. Some are just beginning the journey, and some are further along. I hope reading about their experiences as they identify and soothe Mother Hunger helps you feel less alone.


“I have been doing lots of work for healing myself over the years. When I found the Mother Hunger book, all of the years of this work came together and I was able to really understand and put my finger on exactly what I have been healing from…. Mother Hunger. And this book helps heal without putting shame nor guilt on our Mama’s. I also understood that this healing is based around grief. I find it such a relief I can continue my healing journey with this deep dive. I do recommend this book to women for an understanding of what they may be questioning in their lives.” – Theresa Blanton

“I have recommended this book to several clients. For me the book was a profound read. I discovered my body was my story and MH helped me understand the longing for love from other women growing up was me longing for what I didn’t receive. The fear I felt being in my body is what drove me out of my body and my biggest take away was dissociating makes the past trauma difficult to remember. I feel like the pieces of my life can all come back together. I was deeply impacted by the Mother Hunger book.” – Evie Rose Crist

“I have recommended this book for everyone, because it made me feel seen, heard and validated, like a relationship with a therapist who just gets me, and sees my deepest pain without me even knowing, nor telling about it. It helped me to release the anger I built for years, and I finally feel free. ❤️ We all have a hunger for mother, this book was the healing substitute for her.” – Viivi Karivieri

“Mother Hunger is an essential key into women’s lives and experiences. It helped me find healing and the right kind of compassionate lens to understand my mother, and other women generally. Even if you aren’t hungry, another woman in your life is, and this book will help you help her. Nurturance, protection, and guidance are needed our whole lives long.” – Deanna Kayne

I’m a son who grew up with mother hunger and when I read the book at 41 years old, I thought this should be essential reading for everyone. It helps explain where so many issues in self-worth, motivation and relationships come from and highlights the need for us to be more compassionate toward ourselves and others. I believe the world would be much more peaceful and equitable if we all looked through the lens of the epidemic of early childhood trauma/neglect and this book makes that so clear. – Lee Coulter

“I wanted to let you know how much your book has influenced not only myself but other women in my life. I had never wanted to be a mother because of fear I would be like my own. I remember finishing a section of your book that I was listening to on a hike and it resonated so deeply with me that I realized I COULD be a mother and use my relationship with my own as a guide on what I didn’t want to be like. My first baby is due in June.” – Courtney B

“For years I could not understand why I feel like I do. This book has answered many of the questions I’ve had but didn’t know who to ask.” – Missy S

“This book was amazing! It allowed me to see myself and how I interact with my mother. After reading this book I was able to see why she behaves in the way that she does and why I behave in the way that I do. And I was able to forgive myself for the things that were not in my control. Everything from my childhood was not my fault and it felt good reading the examples given to ensure me that everything was gonna be OK! If anything, this book allowed me to acknowledge everything that happened in my life and that it was supposed to happen in that order. Having a mom and being a mom are two different things and this book allows readers to understand how healing makes for being a better mom. Good luck on your journeys and I wish everyone healing.” ritareadysetgo

“Mother Hunger is unlike any books I have read on this subject… It is essential knowledge for women, especially those who have not experienced the love that a mother is meant to offer through her protection, nurturance and guidance. Mother Hunger is the label that gives understanding to the pain and ache that is carried throughout the cells of ones soul… I have experienced the generational trauma and have struggled to live into my own potential as a professional, wife, mother, friend, woman and self. This book continues to tug at my heart, teaching me to go back and heal old wounds, give myself compassion and attention, protection and find the guidance that I need. I am so excited to take this into my work and help the women and men that come to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this book!” – Susannah

“I’ve recommended it gifted this book to every one of my female friends and relatives. It nourishes the body in many ways but the truth is that it talks about a topic that’s gone unlabeled for way too long. I can’t wait to incorporate these concepts in my therapy once I graduate.” Katherine R

“Mother Hunger was life-changing for me. It’s a book full of deep, emotional work and truths – which allows for a lot of healing. I’ve been able to take what I’ve learned and apply it to my life, as well as my coaching practice. I suggest taking your time reading it and go at your own pace as things come up. Highly recommend if you want to heal and move forward.”Whitney S

“This book is pure gold dust in my opinion, never have I read a book that I felt was written for me and to have words and an explanation of why I am like I am, I feel like this book has cracked my heart open to really begin to heal… forever grateful to Kelly for her work.” Claire M

“This book is the final piece of the jigsaw for me! It’s life changing to understand why I have been unable to shift some very painful feelings and it is astonishing to have a name for them. I would highly recommend this to any woman who is estranged from her mother or who really struggles to understand the harmful patterns we turn on ourselves.” Cantante

“I’m so grateful to have found this book, in fact I think it found me, at a time when I was receptive and ready. Now I have answers and insight. Now I understand why my mother was the way she was and why I did what I did in response. This book is brilliantly written and easy to read. Sometimes it’s hard though because healing is hard some sometimes. Having lived on a diet of fear for years and all that grows from fear I now have new and better options and am learning to live a life fueled by love.” Bee

“This book changed my life. Mother Hunger is a real thing and so much of my upbringing was laid out in this book. It helped me so tremendously to heal from my broken past and finally find peace in my life. It honestly felt like I was doing therapy work with a therapist in an office. Beautifully written and incredibly grateful for its words.” – Reader